White Nationalism and Crony Capitalism Are the Sparks That Started Fires in the Amazon
✑ PRABIR PURKAYASTHA` ╱ ± 7 minutes
Brazil has taken the lead in a direct attack on the Amazon, with Bolsonaro adding a racial element to his attack on indigenous people.

This is what capital and their ideologues call releasing the animal spirits of capital.

Brazil has taken the lead in a direct attack on the Amazon, with Bolsonaro adding a racial element to his attack on indigenous people.
From: Globetrotter, Sep. 10, 2019. ╱ About the author
Prabir Purkayastha is the founder and editor in chief of Newsclick. He is the president of the Free Software Movement of India and is an engineer and a science activist.
The man-made Amazon fires are for clearing the land of its forests and
indigenous people. The benefits are for Jair Bolsonaro’s cronies, while
producing a climate disaster for the world.
The Amazon fires in Brazil have become worldwide news. Explaining the fires
recently, Douglas Morton, chief of the Biospheric Sciences Laboratory at
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, said that
“August 2019 stands out
” as a month with a far higher number of fires than any preceding year
since 2010.
This is similar to what Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research
had reported earlier.
head of INPE, Ricardo Galvao
was fired
on August 2 this year after INPE came out with figures based on satellite
imagery that showed that deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon had
increased by 40 percent in two months over a similar period last year.
That it is largely man-made can be seen from looking at where the fires
have started in Brazil: mostly along the
major highways
and spreading into the forest. Clearly, it is an attempt to clear the
forests for economic exploitation—logging, cattle ranching, commercial
farming and mining—that lies at the heart of President Bolsonaro’s
Speaking to reporters in the last week of August,
Bolsonaro said
, “It is too much land for so few Indians.” While he has declared a
temporary moratorium on land-clearing due to the fires, the thrust of his
policies is still to dismantle all obstacles to handing over the Amazon to
big corporate and landed interests in Brazil.
Amazon forests are the world’s biggest store of carbon as well as its
largest global sink. If it goes up in smoke, it will
produce climate change on a scale
not seen before. And this change could soon become irreversible, as once a
forest starts dying, after a point, it becomes almost impossible to stop
its downward plunge.
Apart from acting to fix atmospheric carbon, Amazon forests also help in
the hydrological cycle that produces rainfall. The loss of forest cover in
the Amazon would affect not only the world’s climate, but also the local
climate in Brazil and neighboring countries, leading to less rainfall, and
adversely affecting its agriculture.
While Brazil has taken the lead in a direct attack on the Amazon, with
Bolsonaro adding a racial element to his attack on indigenous people, the
pressure to open the Amazonian forests to agriculture, logging and mining
is not just limited to Brazil. Obviously, why should other countries, which
have finished their forests, argue that countries with forests keep them
permanently for global benefit?
Who pays and who gains
is very much a part of the climate change negotiations—the Paris
Accord—from which Trump and the United States have walked out.
This pitch—who pays and who gains—could indeed be a nationalist pitch for
Brazil. But this is not Bolsonaro’s argument. For him, the only issue is
that fires lit for clearing the Amazon should not burn without control: he
must be shedding tears about all those logs that could have been sold for
money going up in smoke.
He is asking President Trump, a fellow climate change disbeliever and
another white nationalist, for help with dousing the fires. He has no
sympathy for Brazil’s indigenous people—“Indians,” he calls them—bemoaning
the failure of the Brazilian cavalry in “clearing” its indigenous people,
the U.S. cavalry, which was so much more efficient
in its “extermination of the Indians.”
Before we address the complex issue of climate justice, indigenous rights
and economic development, we need to address one misunderstanding on the
role of Amazon forests.
Amazon forests do not produce 20 percent of the oxygen
the world needs, as is commonly said. It is the largest producer of oxygen
on land, producing about
6-9 percent of the total oxygen
that is produced globally, including from the oceans. Still, we cannot talk
of producing oxygen without also asking how much of it the Amazon consumes.
So we must see the net oxygen that the Amazon produces, meaning, subtract
the oxygen consumed by it from what it produces. Once we do that, we find
that the Amazon’s net output of oxygen is near zero, as it is also the
largest consumer of oxygen. The Amazon’s value is in fixing atmospheric
carbon, and its loss will mean the release of stored carbon into the
atmosphere with devastating consequences.
Is it possible to use the forest lands economically such that we do not
have deforestation with both local and global consequences? The argument is
yes, this can be done using scientific methods and technology, such that we
can get short-term developmental benefits as well as meet long-term goals.
This would be different from the
colonial models
promoting mono-cultures and claiming forests on behalf of the Crown, but
would mean involving the forest communities in protecting forests. It would
mean culling forests, but within limits of its regeneration and using a mix
of trees that are natural to the Amazonian environment. It would mean, if
mines and other projects are allowed in them, to minimize their impact and
leave large areas as untouched natural reserves.
Of course, this would require a policy for indigenous people that respects
their identity while allowing them to choose how they integrate themselves;
not as living museum pieces, but as communities living in harmony with
nature and the rest of Brazilian society. These are
complex i
ssues and there is no one answer to these questions. Their answer would
mean a democracy that allows for dialogue and a way to reconcile the goals
of development and maintains peoples’ identities and cultural diversities.
Giving away of land, forests and mineral resources to capitalists by the state is what Marx called primary—or primitive—accumulation
Instead of taking this complex, democratic path, the logic of capital is
quite simple. It prioritizes the interest of the capitalists—not capital
but capitalists—over other sections of the people. For the capitalist,
there is a simple way of looking at any issue: what return can I get if I
can get the state to follow a certain policy? Giving away of land, forests
and mineral resources to capitalists by the state is what Marx called
primary—or primitive—accumulation. In the language of the commons, it is
“enclosure” of the commons, and in this case, the Amazon forests are the
If Bolsonaro can hand over forest lands—its trees, its minerals and their
use after clearing forests for cattle-ranching or soybean-farming—to his
capitalist cronies
, they make big bucks. This is the crux of Bolsonaro’s policies. This is
similar to what Prime Minister Narendra Modi is doing in India with the
recent modification to the Forest Rights Act.
Both Brazil and India are expropriating the people’s rights over natural
resources on a grand scale. This is what capital and their ideologues call
releasing the animal spirits of capital.
Capitalism not only has the Trumps, Modis and Bolsonaros determine that
what is good for capital is good for the people, but also other ideologues.
One of them, American economist William Nordhaus, has built an economic
model that essentially “shows” that it is better to spend money, not on
preventing climate change today, but mitigating it in the future. There are
two fallacies in this approach. One is that those producing climate
change—either directly, through their emissions, or by consuming products
that produce carbon emissions—are going to be impacted far less than those
who produce much lower carbon emissions.
Unfortunately, the impact of such climate change is going to be far more
adverse in tropical and equatorial regions of the world, where the bulk of
the poor live. They also produce
much less carbon emissions
. The other flaw in Nordhaus-type models is that they privilege benefits
received today over adverse effects in the future, the same way a
capitalist looks at his profits: this quarter’s profits matter more than
the long-term sustainability of capitalism itself.
Are other approaches and models possible? Yes, of course. A
number of approaches
that address both these issues exist. But climate science today has little
to do with science; it is politics and the interests of capital that are
deciding our climate future. Upton Sinclair, the American writer,
had written in the 1930s
, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary
depends upon his not understanding it!”
Denying global warming is not a scientific mistake that the global right
makes; it is simply who is paying the bill that determines their belief.
This article was produced in partnership by Newsclick and Globetrotter, a project of the Independent Media Institute.
Top image: President Donald J. Trump participates in a bilateral meeting with the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro at the G20 Japan Summit Friday, June 28, 2019, in Osaka, Japan. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead). From: flickr |
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