Socialist Economist on hold, for now
This is a question that needs to be thought through with extreme care – and now.
SE's mission was: to analyse the economic system (capitalism) and explore fair, egalitarian, democratic and green alternatives (indeed, some kind of socialism).
As explained on the about-page of Socialist Economist: "economic thinkers have a role to play in the debate about capitalism itself, and fundamental alternatives to it."
The administrators of Socialist Economist have tried their best to contribute to this debate for a few years, since 2017. Spending dozens of hours, with love, building this website, collecting interesting analyses, opinions and ideas about how to create a better economic future for everyone on this planet. To show that there is a rich tradition within economics, not well known by the larger public, to study and debate the fundamentals of capitalism and its alternatives.
As the idea was, from the start, to have Socialist Economist run voluntarily, collectively, by a number of people from around the world, this means that the project depended on the ability of the administrators to sacrifice their leisure hours. Unfortunately, the available leisure hours of the administrators have decreased significantly for normal reasons - work, family - which has led to the decision to put this project on hold, for now. Attempts to attract new members to continue running this platform have failed - perhaps we should have tried harder, who knows.
Of course, what remains is the need for social movements to think, in depth, about capitalism and its alternatives, from an economic point of view. Is there a fair, egalitarian, democratic, and green alternative that can and should replace it? We don't know, but we know there are many interesting ideas floating around and a lot of literature, old and new, that deserve our attention. And SE believes, as Andrew Kliman writes, that this question "cannot be put off until “after the revolution.”", but has to be discussed "now".
If you feel the same, and wish to continue this project, feel free to reach out to us. There's a functioning website, a facebook- and twitter-page with some followers. The original SE-founders wouldn't just hand over this platform to anyone saying "I'll take it", but would be open to serious proposals from people who wish to take it from here. If you feel like we're talking to you, contact SE: ☞
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